Friday, February 6, 2009

Mykenna's 5th Birthday!

I can't believe she is 5 years old. You are always told that time will fly by with your kids, but I am starting to realize just how fast it really does. The day of her birthday we celebrated just with our little family. She picked out her cupcakes and we enjoyed watching her open her gifts from us. I think the dress up clothes were the hit, especially the Hanna Montana wig. (Don't we love after Halloween clearance) She received some money from her Grandma Linda so we took her to Walmart to pick out a gift. She asked to wear the wig and we didn't see any reason to say no. Boy you should have seen some of the looks we got at the store. She was so excited to wear it, it didn't even matter. Let kids be kids, right...

We had plans to celebrate with extended family, but the weekend got a little crazy so we will celebrate up in Sun Valley when we go to visit Uncle Ken.

With some birthday money she picked out a Hanna Montana makeup kit. So as soon as we got home she was putting it all on. Dad was thrilled with the purchase... :)

It was so cute...Mykenna thought as soon as she turned 5 she would be able to go to Kindergarten. So she has been constantly asking, "Who is my teacher and when do I get to go?" It was so hard to try and explain that she still had until the end of August before she would actually be able to go. I am glad she is excited for school.

Mykenna Happy Birthday! We love you so much! You brighten our home with your beautiful smile and sweetness!

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