Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Hustle Monkeys...Yes that is our team name!

Top row: Joy(sometimes April), Me
Bottome row: April(sometimes Joy), Kelli, Angie, Amy
The reason for the sometimes is....I am a ditz and would call them the wrong name. :)

Last night was the final night of our volleyball league in Layton. We lost our second game in tournament play so it dropped us down into the loser bracket, which meant if we wanted to win the tournament we basically had to play all night long. We played 5 total matches. We started at 6:30 p.m. and finally finished at 11:00 p.m. with only a few minutes in between games. Can I just say my back, feet, legs....ok my whole body was hurting by the time we played our final game. We ended up playing the team that beat us in the beginning of the tournament (The Jazzettes) for the championship game. It was a good match but we ended up beating them in 3 games (best out of five games). Since they hadn't lost a game yet, we had to play them again right after that game. It is called the IF game. Instead of the best of 5 games it was the best of 3. So we had to come out playing. (Listen to sounds like I am back in college again and the National Championship is on the line.) :) We were so tired!!! We had brought fruit with us to keep our energy up, but that wasn't quite doing it anymore. We ended up winning the first game and then losing the second. Third game......yes!!!! We won! We played 15 games winning 14. We got our very expensive t-shirts that we had worked our fannies off for and went directly to the bench and literally collapsed. (ok...maybe not all of us....but I did) We stayed there until they started turning off the lights and kicked us out the the gym. I came straight home and hobbled to my hot shower! I had a horrible night sleep because my feet and back were hurting and as of this is 11:30 a.m. I am still in my pajamas and I just want to go back to sleep. :) But....even though I feel this way... IT WAS A GREAT SEASON AND I HAD SO MUCH FUN! We have an awesome team and we had so much fun playing together. We are taking a season off and will be back in the fall! I will miss it and look forward to good times in August again! Go Hustle Monkeys!!!


April said...

I hear you on the ouch part. I slept until 10:30 with the exception of getting my son to school. My whole body is yelling at me, so I don't think today will be too productive.
I had a great time playing with all you guys and hope we stay in touch-we should do a girls night sometime-yeah?
Go Hustle Monkeys!

Patty said...

ha ha ha You are too funny. Glad that you came out as the champs!

Kelli W. said...

You studette you! Way to play through the pain! I love and admire you for keeping involved in activities that you love. I haven't kept up with any activities that I have enjoyed in the past whether is be sports or music or anything. I let life take over and I realize how much I'm missing out! Maybe I should get myself that Guitar Hero and challange Rob to a dual!

Sally F said...

Wow, that is impressive! And just as important as an NCAA championship! Congratulations!

SusieQ said...

Great job, hustle monkeys. (Great name, too.) I play on a city league v-ball team, too, and LOVE it. Our team is made up of ladies mostly over 40 and we're playing lots of young college-age girls. We win some, we lose some. But it's always fun and it always hurts the next morning!

kg said...

Hey Kim! Of course we remember you guys :) Where are you now...? You havea beautiful family. We'd love to catch up...send us an email!