Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kim's Birthday

I had a GREAT birthday! Rob and the kids made me a cake and we celebrated as a family. They are very sweet!

Rob made Parker a cake since he couldn't eat mine. He was so excited!


April said...

We need to go out for your birthday! After our games next week, what do you think?

Kelli W. said...

Happy Birthday Kim!!! I love that Rob made Parker his own special cake. What a great Dad! I also laughed when you asked the kids what you should wish for and the girls both said a dog (you can still have buddy!) and Parker said a train! So cute! Love you!

SusieQ said...

Hope you had a great birthday, Kim. We thought of you here when we had our March birthday party. Look forward to seeing you in June!

SusieQ said...

Hope you had happy birthday, Kim. We thought of you when we celebrated the March birthdays here.
Looking forward to seeing you in June!

Mindi said...

What a hot "mama" you are Kim. Happy Birthday! How are the plans coming along?